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Webinar: Exploring Autoimmune Disease, Part 2: Addressing the Underlying Causes of Autoimmune Disease with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine

By | March 24th, 2023 |

In Part 2 of the Explore Autoimmune Disease Webinar Series, we review botanical medicine strategies for addressing a wide range of symptoms, as well as some of the underlying causes of autoimmune disease, with specificity given […]

Webinar: Modulating Chronic Inflammation with Botanical Medicine: Balancing Inflamm-aging and Immunosenescence to Enhance Longevity and Improve Health Span

By | August 26th, 2022 |

Throughout the Natura EDU webinar series, we’ve discussed inflammation, as it’s a central theme in the study and treatment of human disease. Inflammation is an evolutionarily conserved process characterized by the activation of immune and non-immune […]

Webinar: Facing the Disease of our Time: Fortifying Cellular and Genetic Integrity with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine

By | June 24th, 2022 |

Cancer is the disease of our time, and despite all of our efforts to understand it and treat it, the global incidence of cancer continues to climb.1 Cancer is an ecological disease. An excerpt from a […]

Natura Fundamentals, Part II: Addressing Hormones, Mood, Inflammation, and the Immune System

By | November 25th, 2020 |

In this webinar, we continue our exploration with Part II of Natura Fundaments. We delve deeper into applications covering a broad range of botanical and nutritional medicine combinations focused on secondary fundamental targets. Dr. Jason Miller, […]