
Home/Health Topics/Inflammation


Quercetin’s Powerful Influence: Cytoprotective, Antioxidant, and Immunomodulatory

By | March 10th, 2018 |

Quercetin is a prominent member of the vast polyphenol family. These naturally-occurring biochemical compounds are produced by plants as part of their defense system. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and herbs provide an abundance of these complex […]

Botanicals and Nutrients to Modulate Inflammation and Support Joint and Connective Tissue Health

By | March 9th, 2018 |

In healthy joints there is a balance of anabolic and catabolic processes that supports maintenance of cartilage tissue and repairs damage to cells and tissues from daily activity. Over time, as tissue breakdown becomes more predominant […]

Omega Fatty Acids Influence on Cardiovascular Health, Immune Response, Cognitive Function & Skeletal Health

By | March 9th, 2018 |

Fatty acids are essential to physiological function, health, and homeostasis. They provide the substrate for lipids, one of the three main components of biological structure (along with proteins and carbohydrates). Essential for healing and repair, fatty […]

Cytoprotective and Polyphenol-Rich Botanicals that Provide Antioxidant Activity, Reduce Oxidation & Modulate Inflammation

By | March 9th, 2018 |

Time-proven traditional herbs provide a protective role in helping prevent diseases and promote wellness. Today, as researchers look to the plant world for safe, efficacious remedies, they are examining these same plants and discovering more about […]