On-Demand Webinar: Demystifying Detoxification
In this vital webinar, Dr. Miller, DACM, reviews the physiology of detoxification and explores specific botanical medicines and nutritional agents for enhancing detoxification and improving cellular metabolism. Detoxification is a daily, lifelong process. Detoxification is not […]
Demystifying Detoxification
Written By Jason Miller DACM, LAc, Natura’s Medical Educator Detoxification is a daily, lifelong process. Detoxification is a daily, life long process. It is not merely a temporary solution used to periodically cleanse our bodies of […]
A Scientific, Cellular Look At How Our Bodies Deal With Toxins
Written By Donnie Yance, MH, CN To understand how adaptogens support our bodies in dealing with toxins, let’s take a look at detoxification on a cellular level. The phenomenon of hormesis provides a novel way of viewing […]
Promoting Optimal Health with Food-Grown Vitamins D3, K1 and K2, and Vitamin A from Mixed Carotenoids
Vitamins D, K and A are all recognized as pleiotropic compounds, offering a diverse range of biological effects which support allostasis. There is considerable overlap in the influence they exert on the cellular level to calm […]